Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions...

What is Advance Care Planning?
What is an Advance Care Plan?
What constitutes an Advance Care Plan in the ACT?
What is the difference between an Advance Care Plan, a living will and Advance Care Directives?
Who can do an Advance Care Plan?
Why do I need an Advance Care Plan?
When are Advance Care Planning documents used?
What is meant by capacity?
What if the person does not have capacity?
Is Advance Care Planning permission for euthanasia?
Do I still need a will?
What can happen if a plan is not in place?
Why should I plan ahead?
My wife and I always thought we would be able to make these decisions for each other. Why should I formally attend a plan?
How do I make a specific plan if I am uncertain about what the future holds for me?
I live in NSW but all my Doctors and treatment is in the ACT. Will my plan be different?
If I want to appoint someone to make decisions for me, who should I choose?
Do I need a lawyer to complete an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA)?
Who do I talk to?
How do I talk to loved ones who find the subject difficult?
What if I change my mind? Can my Advance Care Plan be changed or revoked?
Will my Advance Care Plan decisions always be followed?
What if I become ill or I am injured while I am away from home?
What happens in an emergency and the treating team can’t access my records?
Advanced Care Planning
Public Trustee and Guardian
ACT Government Health
Capital Health Network

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